bearnecessities on "How old fashioned are you?"
Women shouldn't have been given the vote. They should just stick to making tasty sandwiches for men.[/Endthread]
View Articlehora on "How old fashioned are you?"
If Giant are wrong. We'll never know. How can retail/companies tell us what to do?What next- huge release of e-bikes, active suspension etc?I wish Giant would try and make good looking bikes. Always...
View Articletwinw4ll on "How old fashioned are you?"
Women can vote? When the **** did that happen?
View Articleohnohesback on "How old fashioned are you?"
I remember when this was all fields. I remember when Wagon Wheels were the size of saucers. I remember when wives stayed at home to look after the children. When there was something worth watching on...
View Articleavdave2 on "How old fashioned are you?"
I would reply Marin but we haven't been introduced.
View Articlefootflaps on "How old fashioned are you?"
I would reply Marin but we haven't been introduced.I had my Man look into his affairs, but turns out he's from the wrong sort of class, so we won't be speaking.
View ArticleCountZero on "How old fashioned are you?"
Old fashioned?I held a door for a 'Lady' a couple of months ago who as she approach it launched in to some tirade culminating with "I'm a lady not a cripple I can open my own **** doors" and then...
View Articlesingletrackmind on "How old fashioned are you?"
Still watch TV on a CRT tele. No flat screen witchcraft in my flat.
View ArticleMister P on "How old fashioned are you?"
I'm so old fashioned I still type "a lot" as two words and have no idea what "prolly" means.
View Articlenatrix on "How old fashioned are you?"
When I travel up to town on the train I take a flask of tea rather than drink over-priced coffee out of a cardboard cup.........
View Articleb r on "How old fashioned are you?"
Best quote ever was from my Grandad, he was a Publican for most of his life.Grandad - "Do you know what the worse thing that's ever happened?"Me - "No?)Grandad - "When they changed the law and I had to...
View ArticleCaptainSlow on "How old fashioned are you?"
You lost me at "fashioned". What is this word?
View ArticleRusty Spanner on "How old fashioned are you?"
'Fashioned'is the same as 'made', but by an IT bloke with a beard, uneccessary woodburner and filthy jeans.
View ArticleDrJ on "How old fashioned are you?"
CD? I'm still listening to the wireless.Home Service? or the light programme?
View Articlesomewhatslightlydazed on "How old fashioned are you?"
I don't actually use a computer. All my posts to this forum are done through written correspondance between myself and the secretary chappie at Single Track World.It takes an age to follow a "thread"...
View ArticleDrJ on "How old fashioned are you?"
written correspondance On Basildon Bond, I assume. Written with your Platignum pen.
View Articleslowoldman on "How old fashioned are you?"
Vinyl? Isn't it Nu-Vinyl in this post-CD world? All those wiggly lines storing tunes has to be better that ones and noughts surely? I mean, that's almost homeopathy.
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